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Step Into the Arena: Why the Church Thrives When You Rise

It’s easy to be a spectator. To watch, comment, maybe even critique—but never actually step in.

Picture this: Someone is holding five-pound weights, arms stretched out, struggling as the seconds tick by. Two others stand by—one offering encouragement, the other pointing out flaws. But neither actually helps. That moment is a perfect picture of what happens in the church. Many of us cheer from the sidelines, maybe even offer feedback, but we hesitate to step into the work ourselves. And that’s exactly what was happening in Acts 6.

The early church was growing fast, and with growth came real problems. Some widows were being overlooked in daily food distribution—not because anyone was being malicious, but because the apostles were stretched thin, and unintentional gaps formed. They realized they couldn’t do everything themselves without neglecting their primary calling—preaching the Word. Instead of burning out under the weight, they did something different. They invited others to step up. They said, “Brothers and sisters, select from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we can appoint to this duty.” (Acts 6:3). And just like that, the role of deacon was born. Not for status. Not for titles. But because the work was too great for a few when God had called many .

The same is true today. The mission of the church was never meant to rest on a handful of overburdened leaders while the rest of us watch. If LifeBrook Church is going to thrive, it will take all of us stepping into the arena, getting our hands dirty, and carrying the mission forward. That starts with showing up—worshiping together as a body is foundational. But just attending isn’t enough. Getting connected in a LifeGroup moves you from being a spectator to actually belonging. Serving is another step—because the church isn’t built by people who just sit in seats, it’s built by those who step up. Maybe that’s in kids’ ministry, the worship team, or simply being the first smiling face someone sees at the door. And finally, stepping into the arena means giving generously. Every outreach, every mission, every act of service is made possible by people who say, “I’m in” with their time, talent, and treasure .

So here’s the question: Where do you stand? Are you watching from the sidelines, or are you in the arena? It’s time to step in. The church thrives when you rise. What’s your next step?