Armor Of God | Zach Brackett | November 5th, 2025

Shield OF Faith

What is faith? This is the first question that we must ask if we are to understand the ‘Shield of Faith.’ Pastor Zach dives into this question and highlights that there is no inherent power in faith itself, the power is in the object of our faith: God, the almighty… Read More

Armor Of God | Zach Brackett | November 5th, 2025

Shield OF Faith

What is faith? This is the first question that we must ask if we are to understand the ‘Shield of Faith.’ Pastor Zach dives into this question and highlights that there is no inherent power in faith itself, the power is in the object of our faith: God, the almighty… Read More

Next Online Gathering Begins In:
What is faith? This is the first question that we must ask if we are to understand the ‘Shield of Faith.’ Pastor Zach dives into this question and highlights that there is no inherent power in faith itself, the power is in the object of our faith: God, the almighty creator of the universe. God is our shield, our strength, our refuge, our shelter against Satan’s ‘flaming arrows!’