Who is Jesus? Through captivating stories of Jesus training his disciples, from commissioning to miraculous feedings, we’ll delve into the heart of this question. But it’s not just about historical accounts; it’s about the relevance to your life today. In a world saturated with competing views and over 90,000 books on Amazon alone about Jesus, how do we discern truth? Is he a liar, lunatic, or Lord? Dive into the evidence, explore the options, and confront the ultimate question: Who do YOU say that Jesus is? Don’t let curiosity be your final destination; discover the transformative power of knowing and following the one who offers rest for your weary soul.
The Gospel Of Luke | Zach Brackett | April 21st, 2024
Who Do YOU Say That I Am? Exploring the Identity of Jesus
Who is Jesus? Through captivating stories of Jesus training his disciples, from commissioning to miraculous feedings, we’ll delve into the heart of this question. But it’s not just about historical accounts; it’s about the relevance to your life today. In a world saturated with competing views and over 90,000 books… Read More
The Gospel Of Luke | Zach Brackett | April 21st, 2024
Who Do YOU Say That I Am? Exploring the Identity of Jesus
Who is Jesus? Through captivating stories of Jesus training his disciples, from commissioning to miraculous feedings, we’ll delve into the heart of this question. But it’s not just about historical accounts; it’s about the relevance to your life today. In a world saturated with competing views and over 90,000 books… Read More